Saturday, December 13, 2008

Racing with My Friends!

Hiya. Meet Meghan and lindsey! I have known Meghan the past 4 years. but i just met Lindsey. I roomed with her in copper mountian and breckenidge. She may be blind but she is so funny and sweet. I have been competing with meghan for a long time but were best friends. That ws fun!!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Team Mau

This is Team Mau. In it is Luis, Sherwood, Sue, Me, Betsy, Mau, and two new members Tyler and Staci(not in the picture). Mau is "mom", Luis is the "chosen one", Sherwood is the "body guard", Sue is the "den mother", And i am the Team Captian. We just need a nick name for betsy. If you have any ideas, please post them on the "coments" right below this. Now im tring to convince Mau to let Chris Miller on our team. Try to convince her in the comments. I think he would be a good team member!
ALL OF TEAM MAU!! Chris would like to join team mau and i need all of your votes. Please put your name and vote in the coments list! Thanks!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

My First BIG Race @ Copper Mountain, CO

Today was my first Level 2 Race at Copper Mountain, Colorado!  They are full length race and internationally recognized REAL race!  Not only US National Adaptive Ski Team members but also racers from Canada, UK, Australia and other Europe were racing as well.  I had two SL runs today.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Green Concert @ Red Rocks

This night was one of the best nights of my LIFE!!!!! We had so much fun! This band went on between huge 5 story rocks. And when the band ended all you herd was the echo roaring everywhere. You would really have to be there to comprehend how amazing it really was. And that rock that you saw was cool! It looked like it eroded from bottom up and it was so comfortable in there. We had so much fun dancing to the music.......GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Democrat National Convention Bike Ride

This was a cool ride! There was about 100 other people and we rode on the street. All the traffic was stopped on we had the right away. Then when we got to our destination, the national convention, allot of people were their and cheering(don't ask me why?). But i had allot of fun that day... GO OBAMA

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fraser River Trail

Today Mau took me on a long up hill trail from Fraser to Winter Park base. It was almost all up hill the way there. I almost gave up but i had Mau  right in my tail saying"Keep going, keep paddling, don't stop", it drove me insane but if it wasn't for her than i would have never made it. I cycled with Mat and Hannah had been a member of US Disabled Ski Team. They kept encouraging me too. and on the way back it was all down hill. that was the best part. When we were done we had some breakfast at Sharkies grill.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

On the Colorado River

What an amazing experience I had to day! We rafted.! It was in a ducky with Cathi. The other people in duckies were splashing us so it began a huge war between each other. We got soaked. Then a couple of little kids had supper soaker's and that was cold. The views were amazing. Then more towards the end the wind picked up so I switched with another girl so i could go to the bigger boat. That was a fun,cold, and interesting ride.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Breakfast Ride @ Steamboat

Instead of driving to breakfast we biked to breakfast. It was a long ride but worth it in the end. I had a chocolate chip pancake and bacon at the Shack Cafe. I rode with Mark, Kathy, Mau, and One-legged John. Then we road back so we could get ready for our second day of water skiing. This was a beautiful ride and one of those i will never forget because of the people that were there with me that day.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Behind the Boat @ Steamboat

Here in Steam Boat ,I also water skied. It was a nice lake and it was some what worm too. I didn't use sides on the ski this time but i fell 3 times on the turns. My 4Th turn i was able to stay on and so with my fifth. Then i got to cold and pulled in. We stayed in an amazing hotel that night. In the morning, i got on the ski again and was able to do all the turns and go in and out of the wake. I had a lot of fun here in steam boat and hope to do it again!

Monday, August 11, 2008

One Leg John & Me

This is One Legged john and me, I met him back in Pennsylvania in Camel Back. We are very close friends and we always encourage each other to do new things.I don't see him very often but when we do we are always together. we hand cycled together and he was right on my tail saying his butt hurts because I'm going to slow. i cant wait to see him again hopefully in December for the Hartford ski speck.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Boulder Handcycle Ride Day

This is what a hand cycle looks like! Today me and Mau took a trip to boulder to take a ride with a group of people. we road 7 miles today. I was so tiered in the end of this ride. I have never road this long in my life. When we came back to the building we started off in, we had muffins and smoothies. that was a long but successful ride!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stars of Tomorrow Camp @ Denver

This is my first camp i went to during my Colorado stay. We kayaked , hand cycled, and as shown, water skied. In the last picture you ll see a boy with a white t-shirt and a blue and red life vest. his name s Auskar, i met him there and we became friends. I also met another girl who's name is Baylee. We also became friends. We did everything there together, but sadly i don't think we'll get to see each other until the next camp next year. Hope to see you there Auskar and Baylee! 

Friday, August 1, 2008

An Other Step Further

Im so excited about my next adventer to Calorado. Except this time I wont be skiing, I will be strength training for skiing. I am leaving from the 6th to the 25th of August. I will be staying with my ski coach Mau at her house. I will be going to several camps during the time be there. The only thing im a little worried about is i will be flying on my own. But its not that bad. I have to strength train because i need to be in good shape so i could race fast. It will be an experience like no other. And im most excited about seeing my ski coach mau.LUV YA MAU

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


A month in-a-half ago I got my puppy, Kiara. It is an interesting experience taking care of a two in- a- half month old puppy with the potty training and teething process. Every morning she gets up at 5:30am with my mom to go to the bathroom. Then she goes back in her crate until I get up at 9:00. All during the day I'm constantly pulling something out of her mouth or chasing after her so she doesn't eat the cat. Potty training is going O.K but could be better. Every now and then I find a present on the floor.( that's fun to clean up ) Kiara eats every morning, at lunch time, and dinner with a treat in her bowl. Her favorite thing to do is play in puddles. Every time it rains she is always whining to go out because she knows where there is rain there is puddles. She darts outside and takes a nose dive in to the ginormous puddle. She is very stubborn when it comes to making her do something she doesn't want to do. Every time you tell her "NO" she barks back at you and we get into an argument. Finally I'll end up winning the argument. I cant wait to see her when she is an adult and weighs about 125 pounds and her head is bigger than mine. She is a pain in the butt, but she's my pain in the butt and i love her so much!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An End Is Only A New Beginning

A week after Nara's death, i was so lost and alone with out a dog. I reserched a dog that i have always wanted, an Alaskan malamute. On the internet i found a kennal close to home called J and D kennals, which breed Malamutes. There were 2 recent litters. One would be ready April 28, the other would be ready May 9th. we first visited the older ones. I picked one up but did not feel any connection. So we went to the younger litter and as soon as we opened the top of the puppy kennal all of the puppies picked up their heads, but only one came wobbling over toward me. Her eyes werent all the way open yet. I picked her up and it was love at first sight.I held her up close to my chest and she started knawing on my ear and licking my cheak. Every time i tried to put her back in the kennal she would fight to stay close up to me. I had to ask my sister to get her off so we can see her father. In the end i ended up buying her and i will bring her home May 9th. I am so excited to bring her home. I aslo decided to name her Kiara.

Nara... My Angel

Everything happens for some sort of reason. I just dont understand the reason for Nara's death. I still believe that this could have been prevented, but the Lord was calling for her. It all happened on an ordinary night when Nara came to me wanting to go outside to go to the bathroom. So i got up and started walking to the door. She was so excited that she spun around and hit her head of the wall. She broke her neck and died in my arms. I could remember those beautiful white eyes look up at me on her last breath, but now i know she is looking down on me watching over me. Sometimes I can still hear that playful howl that she made every day i came home for school. I still remember every night she would climb in to bed with me and fall asleep next to me. But i know that where ever i am she is always by my side. Nara was sent to me to show me love, trust, and loyalty. I am still thankful for getting that short time to love her and take care of her and I pray to her every night. I miss her so much and I will never forget her.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Ski training and traveling is hard because of the cost its self. So to do my ski training i have fundraisers to raise money. Our first fundraiser is a motorcycle run on June 1st . We will have live music with Cool Ride, Hidden Drive & Abilene to rock the house! Registration is at Diamond MFG. Parking lot, 243 W. 8th ST., W. Wyoming at 8:30am. Riders $15.00- Passenger $10.00( including meal ticket) Children under 12 years of age-FREE. The kickstands will be up and ready to go at noon. We will end the ride at the Holly Child Fairgrounds,NewportSt.,(Sheatown) section of Nanticoke rain or shine. There will be plenty of food to enjoy and fun games to play for the whole family! If you have any questions please call Bob Wineman @ (570)510-5336 or you can visit my website at Thank you for your help and support.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mount Sunapee

After training all week in Vermont we hopped over the border to Newhampshire in Mount Sunapee where i raced in the Diana Golden Race Finals. This is where i got my 2nd place silver medal. This was a great experience and a challenge for me. The mountian was beautiful up top. You can see everything.
I can still remember standing at the finish line thinking of my dad ,my uncle bill ,and Mau my ski coach. When the man at the starting gate said...5...4...3...2...right when he said 1 i pushed out of the starting gate as hard as i could and felt that no one could stop me. I was happy with my time andcouldn't stop smiling. I will never forget that day.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Someone Special I Met.

When i was in Vermont with the AIG ski tour, i met someone really special to me. Her name is Kathy Celo. She was in charge of the camp that i was in and im happy she was because i had the time of my life. Kathy was special to everyone there. Everyone appriciated her because she got us whereever we needed to go on time and ready. Not only that, we had fun with her too.
The camp was as much fun as it was because of Kathy. I can not wait to go to that camp next year and meet that special person again.

My Last Trip:(

2008's jurney ended at Vermont in the AIG Ski Tour which was sponserd by DSUSA were i won a silver. This was a fun camp that i will never forget!
Every day we would get up at 6:00am and be ready for breakfast at 7:00am. After we ate brekfast we would rush back to our rooms and get our equipment to lode up in my dads truck. There were 6 of us all together with 2 monoskiers(sit down skiers). We would all be out on the slopes around 8:30 ready for training. We usually trained on a race corse that Mau and AK set up. We practice a GS corses (wide long turns) and Slolom (short quick turns). There is Down Hill skiing too but you reach speeds of 80 mph so i dont do that............yet. We all train all day with a 45 min lunch at 12:00pm and of corse were all again, out shreding the mountians untill
3:oopm or 4:00pm however long we could go. When we reach the hotel again, we got dressed for dinner but first went to a team meeting to discuse what we did wrong or what we have to work on for the next day. Then we eat dinner...finally! When we go to our rooms we threw our pajamas on and crash in bed, then did the whole scedule over again!
So that was the regular scedule but there was always something in between to slow us down.For example the gas went out in breakfast so we could only have waffles and they took forever to cook, tha tmade us late. Then my room key diddent work(i dont know why)but i had to run up to the front office and ask for a new one. On the slopes is a different story.The gates (the poles you hit on slolom) seem to hate you. They come at you fast and wack you right in the face. Or like Sherwood, clips the gate and flips in the air over the finish line and doesn't even get a score because he went over the eye( the lazer that you go throught to get your time). Or me who flip and slides under the eye and doesnt get a time. Either way they both try to slow us down. Also two days from race day i hiperextended my knew and had to ice it everynight. Man that hurt!!!!!
Know I am geting ready for next years training by having fund raisers to raise money for the camps. Im having a motercycle run June 1st. Contact my mom,Deb, for more information at
(570) 690-3028.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 2 in Vail

This morning wasn't a good one because i couldnt find my edge. I kept falling everywhere. I skied with Mau ,my ski coach, on the moguls, that was not pretty!!!! but i fortunatly came out alive. She said its good practice so i should keep tring, and i did. the afternoon was a lot better because i was able to balence better and go faster, so i went to the terain park with sam, sarah,and gabby. i got some pretty good air too. Sherwood, someone else i skied with, just leaned how to ski and he tried to jump. Wow!!!!!!!! For his first time ever jumping he hit the jump fast and almost landed it then he tried the second jump and cleared it. Now remember, this is his 12 day skiing. i was amazed.( my personal edvice he should slow down because 3 out of 5 times he did not land it)but he still did good. Anyway today was an awsome day and i cant wait to do it again tomorrow.