Wednesday, June 18, 2008


A month in-a-half ago I got my puppy, Kiara. It is an interesting experience taking care of a two in- a- half month old puppy with the potty training and teething process. Every morning she gets up at 5:30am with my mom to go to the bathroom. Then she goes back in her crate until I get up at 9:00. All during the day I'm constantly pulling something out of her mouth or chasing after her so she doesn't eat the cat. Potty training is going O.K but could be better. Every now and then I find a present on the floor.( that's fun to clean up ) Kiara eats every morning, at lunch time, and dinner with a treat in her bowl. Her favorite thing to do is play in puddles. Every time it rains she is always whining to go out because she knows where there is rain there is puddles. She darts outside and takes a nose dive in to the ginormous puddle. She is very stubborn when it comes to making her do something she doesn't want to do. Every time you tell her "NO" she barks back at you and we get into an argument. Finally I'll end up winning the argument. I cant wait to see her when she is an adult and weighs about 125 pounds and her head is bigger than mine. She is a pain in the butt, but she's my pain in the butt and i love her so much!