Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NorAm Copper Mountain SL

Theres the whole team that was in copper. MHS and Team Mau. i think i speak for al of us when i say that we had FUN!

Monday, December 14, 2009

NorAm Copper Mountain GS

We went from Breackenridge to Copper to race to2 NorAm's, GS and SL. I won Gold medal on Junior Class. Lindsey and Diane were super fast, too.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ski Spectacular Level 1 Race

Breakenridge colorado aka Breaken-fridge colorado! 60 below is not fun... but worth it! It was my first time back on skis all year and from the 3 day a week training in the gym payed off! Its hard to explain but i didnt have enough strength in my left side to hold down a good turn.. well now i do! I think... The difference in weight was pretty freaky too. going from 90 pounds to 110 pounds in one year and 3 inches taller, there is a big difference. This canp every year is so much fun. this is where i won my first gold medel..... I already miss it. :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park

Well,..... good always comes from bad.. I missed my flight back home so i stayed at Maus house till my next flight in the morning. No, i didnt have any of my luggage or anything at that.. but it was a really fun day. Me Mau and Charlie went to the Rocky Mountian National Park and we saw loads of elk. Ive never seen an elk before. First time for eveything. What and eventful day that one was....... :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Olympic Training Center @ Colorado Springs

Here is when i was in colorado springs for the US olympic training camp, and also where i learned ALOT! I could also tell that my strength training in the gym back home is helping me alot too. Ever since i started training with my personal trainer Ernie, i have noticed a big difference in everything i do. Especially now that i went to this camp. I also met new friends. I really hope i could go here again.. but man was i sore when i went home!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

3rd Annual Motorcycle Run

Wow, this was an amazing turn out! the weather was beautiful and the ride was really nice. I cant beleive the amount of people that came out!!! I cant thank them enough for what they do for me. Thank you everyone and i hope to see you all next year!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

US National @ Winter Park ~ Day 1

Final race of the season at Winer Park! Today was SL. This has deffinatly got to be the hardest race i've ever skied in! It was all worth it tho.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Huntsman Cup @ Park City, UT Day3

Black dimond racing. For those who dont know what a "black dimond" is, it is the steepest kind of hill you could ski on. You see, a mountian is broken up in to 3 catagories of steepness. A green is the easiest, blue is medium hard, black dimond is experts only, and dubble black dimond is extremly difficult, experts only. I raced on a black dimond. If you look at the first picture, you see me and then nothing else. The hill completly drops off! And i raced on it! It was a slolom race too. At top of the race we all wait for our turn. We usully eat m&ms and through snow balls at each other. In this race i got the gold metal in the junior devision. During this week in Utah, I got 3 gold metals and 1 bronse.

The Huntsman Cup @ Park City, UT Day2

Day 2 is Slolom race on Pecabo's trail. I raced 2 good runs today and it paid off. I was able to get the gold. The other 1st place was from yesterday's GS race. The browns was the most earned one because I raced with 5 racers that are all older than me and I placed in 3rd. I was very excited. I think Mau was too. I hope so! In the bottom picture is Tyler and Sam. I met Sam in Copper too. We wrestled and came to a tie: I beat him once and he beat me once. And they said girls cant fight!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Huntsman Cup @ Park City, UT

Day 1 GS Race on CB's Run, its a BLACK DIAMOND trail!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Earnie!

Happy Birthday! For Ernies B-day, i gave him a Team Mau jacket and a gold medal. He ws so happy! He even got to meet Mau. Mau said she thinks hes funny. We all think that!!!