Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Huntsman Cup @ Park City, UT Day3

Black dimond racing. For those who dont know what a "black dimond" is, it is the steepest kind of hill you could ski on. You see, a mountian is broken up in to 3 catagories of steepness. A green is the easiest, blue is medium hard, black dimond is experts only, and dubble black dimond is extremly difficult, experts only. I raced on a black dimond. If you look at the first picture, you see me and then nothing else. The hill completly drops off! And i raced on it! It was a slolom race too. At top of the race we all wait for our turn. We usully eat m&ms and through snow balls at each other. In this race i got the gold metal in the junior devision. During this week in Utah, I got 3 gold metals and 1 bronse.

The Huntsman Cup @ Park City, UT Day2

Day 2 is Slolom race on Pecabo's trail. I raced 2 good runs today and it paid off. I was able to get the gold. The other 1st place was from yesterday's GS race. The browns was the most earned one because I raced with 5 racers that are all older than me and I placed in 3rd. I was very excited. I think Mau was too. I hope so! In the bottom picture is Tyler and Sam. I met Sam in Copper too. We wrestled and came to a tie: I beat him once and he beat me once. And they said girls cant fight!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Huntsman Cup @ Park City, UT

Day 1 GS Race on CB's Run, its a BLACK DIAMOND trail!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Earnie!

Happy Birthday! For Ernies B-day, i gave him a Team Mau jacket and a gold medal. He ws so happy! He even got to meet Mau. Mau said she thinks hes funny. We all think that!!!