Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NorAm Copper Mountain SL

Theres the whole team that was in copper. MHS and Team Mau. i think i speak for al of us when i say that we had FUN!

Monday, December 14, 2009

NorAm Copper Mountain GS

We went from Breackenridge to Copper to race to2 NorAm's, GS and SL. I won Gold medal on Junior Class. Lindsey and Diane were super fast, too.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ski Spectacular Level 1 Race

Breakenridge colorado aka Breaken-fridge colorado! 60 below is not fun... but worth it! It was my first time back on skis all year and from the 3 day a week training in the gym payed off! Its hard to explain but i didnt have enough strength in my left side to hold down a good turn.. well now i do! I think... The difference in weight was pretty freaky too. going from 90 pounds to 110 pounds in one year and 3 inches taller, there is a big difference. This canp every year is so much fun. this is where i won my first gold medel..... I already miss it. :(