Thursday, February 7, 2008

PA Center for the Adapted Sports Youth Camp

Today, we are back in Camelback, PA. We had to go to other ski area yesterday because of rain and thunder storm.  It is so nice to be able to ski at Camelback.  This is my home ski area and where I learned how to ski very first time.  It is also nice to see Alex again! We both started to ski 3 years ago here in Camelback.  We had a Level 1 Race at the Pocono Race Way and I won the gold medal in my class!  From left Alex, Sherwood, me, and my coach Mau.

1 comment:

brianna said...

Dear Steph,

I can't belive all that u have done u are an inspriartion to alot of people! Just keep it up and u will go so far!!

Your Friend,

Brianna Shinko