Friday, February 11, 2011

2nd Downhill Training

The gate in DH are very far apart...
My teddy woof... Love you Aaron!
Okay... Big difference between todays and yesterdays training. Today, unlike yesterday, i was able to test around with my line and technique. I wasn't as terrified of the speed and coarse like i was yesterday. It only took about 2 runs to get over the fear of speed. Now it was just fun! You go so fast that you jump over the rolls of the hill. Well really, you have no choice. You more or less get launched off of them. Then when you land you just better be ready to turn to make the next gate. All in all, down hill can be pretty fun, once you stop thinking about what your actually doing. If you keep the thought in your head that you are flying down a mountian on flat pieces of wood around gates that arent very forgiving, with some people going 101 km an hour.... you can really enjoy it. :) Cant wait for the race tomarrow!

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