Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 2 in Vail

This morning wasn't a good one because i couldnt find my edge. I kept falling everywhere. I skied with Mau ,my ski coach, on the moguls, that was not pretty!!!! but i fortunatly came out alive. She said its good practice so i should keep tring, and i did. the afternoon was a lot better because i was able to balence better and go faster, so i went to the terain park with sam, sarah,and gabby. i got some pretty good air too. Sherwood, someone else i skied with, just leaned how to ski and he tried to jump. Wow!!!!!!!! For his first time ever jumping he hit the jump fast and almost landed it then he tried the second jump and cleared it. Now remember, this is his 12 day skiing. i was amazed.( my personal edvice he should slow down because 3 out of 5 times he did not land it)but he still did good. Anyway today was an awsome day and i cant wait to do it again tomorrow.


dUdE said...

Hi girls :) I hear your learning the Slolom - and that your doing quite well, bang those gates girl - I think that means that you are cutting the distance down from the run, it's the fine line of folding them but not knocking them over or tripping on them - Stephanie your a natural so you have that in your advantage not to mention that you are fearless and smart that will all help in making you the champion that you are working so hard at. Good luck at Winter Park - I hope you do well. GO FAST my little friend :) Gabby and Sarah you girls cheer extra loud for her too, I'll be waiting on word :) Bye

vstardave said...

Great website. Stephanie You bring out the best in everyone you meet. Keep up the great work. I can see that line forming for autographs. I can't wait till June 1st. Everybody is asking all kinds of questions about your run. I really thing its going to be huge. Bless wishes keep smiling.